Thursday 8 July 2010

I'm a sucker for doing things that look good on my CV. Looking after first year students, giving up my evenings to be a consultant to Birmingham City Council, prancing around in a bright purple t-shirt in front of prospective students and their parents and getting shouted at by library staff, Sports teams, Music lessons, Amateur dramatics, Class/Year/Course/School/Area rep, having to get up at 7am EVERY Saturday and go to orchestra. You name it, if it's been an extracurricular activity, I've been there, and yes, I have an amazing CV. This summer I have upped the ante, I have decided that with me graduating from my Masters next year and wishing to go onto a PhD I need to prove that I can be a real scientist. Over the next six weeks I am undertaking a 'summer project', the cherry on the cake for all science undergraduate CVs, yes, for the next 6 weeks I am working in a laboratory within The University of Birmingham, 9-5/whenever the experiment is done for absolutely no money at all. Oh Joy. Oh, and I'm keeping my job in Manchester too! Gotta love the 80 mile commute.

So I'm four days in, and how is the world of real science you ask? Well, so far I have no idea what I am doing, any results I am getting are inevitably useless and my brain slices keep having seizures. I guess that is the joy of Biology right? Everything fucking up and having to start again in the morning. If this is what the rest of my life is destined to be like, can I really hack it? Let's see how it goes. For now I shall curse the software, the tissue samples, everyone else in the lab, Windows being shit and the poor selection of food in the Medical School canteen.

HOWEVER, have just seen that Janice Dickinson is going to be on Celebrity Come Dine With Me. Suddenly life seems worth living again.

Over and out, until tomorrow when I freak out and throw something at my rig.